作者 | 王又任 儿童组 | 汉字启蒙 最美汉字
XIAN TDC Award 2023 汉字设计奖 金奖
给孩子经常讲一些中国古代的神话故事,盘古开天地时创世女神女娲,“抟土造人”,“炼石补天”的系列故事。孩子通过想象创作出了一些绘画文字作品,这幅作品是孩子最早对文字蛇的认知。Nuwa Repairs the Sky
Frequently tell children some ancient Chinese mythological stories, such as the creation goddess Nvwa during the opening of the heavens and earth, the series of stories about "kneading earth to make people", and "refining stones to fill the sky". Children have created some painting and writing works through imagination, which is their earliest understanding of the word snake.
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